Sunday, March 11, 2007

Editing the Boot file in Vista

One of the major changes in Vista that the average user will not notice but anyone that has a multi-boot system will is that the old text based Boot.ini file no longer exists. It has been replaced by a boot config database that is edited via a command line tool BCDEDIT.
Whilst BCDEDIT works quite well - fumbling around with the command line, ensuring the right switches and settings are put in can sometimes be pretty frustrating (no - I am not saying that a GUI tool replaces a CLI tool - but I am saying that for ease of use a good GUI can be very helpful)
A freeware GUI Boot database editing tool that I have seen and used is VistaBootPRO. Putting it mildly - it rocks! I should point out at this time that I am under no commercial agreements with the makers of the product - I just like it and have and will recommend it to any administrator of Vista.

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