Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Some intresting facts about Windows Vista

Here are some intresting facts about Windows Vista:
  1. It is the only windows with a complete name.(All others were like year names or two alphabet shortforms)
  2. It is the largest Windows OS coming out. It is 1.4 times bigger than Windows XP.(Meaning if you give 5 stars to Windows XP, Vista gets 7 stars)Windows Vista will have have the maximum number of editions.
  3. It will be the only Windows OS making proper use of the available hardware for it's graphic needs.
  4. It will be the only one to have a Windows Sidebar.
  5. It would be the first to use Aero Effects.
  6. It will have the longest Startup\Logon music.
  7. It will be the only one to have human voice in Shutdown\Logoff music.(Yes, Vista will have female voice in Logoff music)
  8. It's got the most beta versions as an OS. (XP got less)
  9. Windows Vista, if hangs, will tell us the reason why Windows has hung. {This software was developed by an Engineering student from India which Microsoft brought. The student also got a patent for it} It will be the only OS to tell us why it has hung up.
  10. Microsoft claims Vista cannot be hacked and it is difficult for viruses to infect it. (Doesn't seem like a fact, does it?)
  11. It is the most awaited and delayed Windows release. (Many public polls show this)

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